what i need to make a rule of life

In the spring of 2000, I sat with fifteen of my classmates in our twelfth grade Church building History class, listening to Mr. Jones talk about early Christian monks. As nosotros learned more about the monastic traditions of our desert fathers and mothers, he mentioned offhandedly how interesting it might be to endeavour and live as a monk for a day.

He met our immediate enthusiasm for the idea with wide eyes and a momentary loss for words. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his olfactory organ and asked, "Are you certain you'd be up for information technology?"

And we, thinking with bask almost missing a mean solar day'due south worth of classes in favor of a church history experiment, answered with a commonage and resounding "Yep!"

What I learned from being a monk

Mr. Jones began preparing immediately. He picked a Friday a few weeks out. He coordinated with the Home Economic science teacher, and the students in that class prepared large batches of beef stew for our luncheon. Somehow, he procured a long brown hooded robe for each of us, complete with a length of white rope to necktie around our waists.

On the Friday in question, we gathered in the auditorium and donned our robes. Dressing the part was the easiest. The real test of our commitment was the vow of silence nosotros took for the solar day, some girls breaking it immediately with their hushful whispers. Nosotros walked in a silent line, our robes swishing, to the prayer chapel on the 3rd flooring of our school edifice. Mr. Jones led us in a morning liturgy – throughout the day, we would practice praying the hours, a novel concept to all of united states of america from evangelical church backgrounds.

Between these regular intervals of prayer and worship, we were responsible for copying passages of scripture besides equally doing some low-cal yard work. We stopped for a silent luncheon at a long table, slurping our beefiness stew and trying to talk with our optics.

At the cease of the day, we took off our robes and resumed our normal lives. Some of u.s.a. thought that information technology was a claiming to become through the day. Others thought that it was a fun experiment. I saw the appeal in having a construction to the day in praying the hours, and having a purpose to our tasks.

What is a dominion of life and why practise you lot need ane?

Much subsequently, I learned near the monastic "rule of life" made pop by St. Benedict. Contrary to how it sounds, the dominion of life is meant to act as a framework for freedom, "a way of living out our vocation alone and together" according to the Northumbria Community. Its' purpose is to:

intentionally create time and space to enjoy deep fellowship with God, and then that he can reorient and direct your days to increasingly glorify him forth the way.

– Jeremy Linneman

At that place take been many times, as a mom to young children, that I accept wished for my ain monastery – a identify of silent retreat where I was costless to focus on my relationship with God and pace away from the demands of my everyday life.

And now more than e'er, with the whole globe stuck within thanks to this pandemic, nosotros need a rule of life to guide our days and proceed us focused on God. Nosotros need to cultivate good for you rhythms for our family, our personal life, our relationships, and our spiritual life.

How I created my own rule of life

Your dominion of life volition naturally look dissimilar depending on your circumstances. At that place is no "one size fits all." Prayerfully consider your responsibilities and your role in this current season of life. And so make a plan.

During this fourth dimension of quarantine, here is what mine looks like (think this is an example, non a list of "shoulds" for you to follow).


  • Waking upwards before my kids so I can greet them with a grinning
  • Existence available to my kids during the 2-three hours of homeschool
  • Intentional time together playing cards, board games, or getting outside
  • Practicing patience

Personal Life:

  • Making the bed and getting dressed every day (even though I'm going nowhere)
  • Writing for at to the lowest degree 15 minutes every morning
  • Practicing 10 minutes of yoga every day (with the Sworkit app)
  • Doing something fun every day (usually reading)
  • Getting plenty slumber / napping if necessary


  • Hanging out with my hubby and making a point of laughing together
  • Reaching out to iii friends a twenty-four hours (past screen or phone call)
  • Checking in with family members who live far away

Relationship with God:

  • Starting each mean solar day reading a affiliate from the Bible and praying
  • Practicing beingness aware of His presence
  • Listening to God-centered podcasts or the Pray as you Go app
  • Ending each twenty-four hour period journaling my gratitude

Your plow

Today I encourage you to make some time for reflection. What habits, routines, and rhythms can you implement for you and your family during these uncertain times? What dominion of life can you commit to in lodge to make space for spiritual growth?

You don't have to be a monk in a monastery to abound in your relationship with God. Y'all can practice it anywhere – even stuck inside the walls of your own home!

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Thanks! I can't look to connect with you!


Source: https://sarahkbutterfield.com/2020/03/25/how-to-create-a-rule-of-life/

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