Easy Classes to Take at Hunter College

Picking the perfect class schedule can be a challenging and heavily planned out process. You want the best teachers, the least amount of busywork, and time slots that coincide with the rest of your hectic schedule.

Electives can also offer students the perfect opportunity to take a break and explore subjects or skills outside of their major that may be helpful to them in the future. Not all electives are created the same, though. Which is why we've decided to make a list of the top easy and fun electives.

‍Group Guitar or Piano

Who doesn't want to learn a new instrument? How about doing it with your friends by your side? Group music classes are an awesome way to pick up a skill you can show off at the end of the semester. Typically, students in these classes have little to no experience with an instrument, so there's no pressure to get it perfect on your first try. By the end of the course, you'll be able to read music and play a couple of tunes. If you decide you really enjoy it, most colleges have intermediate classes available to take after the intro course.

World Music

If you love music but aren't excited by the idea of playing an instrument, there are a ton of music electives available that focus on music appreciation, jazz theory, and film music. But our personal favorite is world music courses.

You'll love hearing and experiencing different sounds, instruments, and music from different cultures. Students typically learn about musical traditions, influential musicians, as well as typical performances of music from cultures as diverse as Bali, France, and Ethiopia.

It's a great way to not only learn how music is made all over the world but also how people bond and connect over music.

Improv or Acting

Find out if you were born for the stage

If Public Speaking makes you want to run for the hills, try taking an acting course instead. Although it might seem counterintuitive, acting or improv can be less intimidating and all around more fun than most public speaking classes.

Students taking an Intro to Acting class are usually new to acting or have never been on a stage, so you don't need to be nervous about whether you'll be the next Meryl Streep, you just have to focus on letting go of your worries. Also if you hate the idea of being on the stage alone, intro to acting classes usually have a couple of people on stage at a time, so you won't be standing with all eyes on you.

 With an acting elective, you're encouraged to find a way to express yourself that makes you feel comfortable. It will definitely teach you a lot about your body, mind, and emotions, plus it's a great way to build confidence and try a new hobby that you might end up loving.

Psychology 101


The study of the human brain has never been more exciting.

If you've ever wanted to understand how people think or how emotions and chemical hormones can affect personality, then this is your class! Psychology is a great course for getting a better understanding of behavior and the human mind.

PSYCH 101 typically touches on what motivates people to do the things they do and the way the mind expands from infancy to adulthood. If you want to take your psych elective a step further, there are additional psychology courses based on specialized topics like abnormal psych and social psych which focus on the cause of abnormal behaviors among individuals and how the environment impacts the way we interact in social situations, respectively.

Graphic Design

Have you ever wondered how certain websites are designed? Or do you feel like you have a good eye for creating aesthetically pleasing layouts? Graphic design might be the right elective for you! Graphic Design electives will teach you the basics and give you the foundational knowledge necessary to create beautiful website layouts in the blink of an eye.

Graphic design is becoming more and more necessary as businesses are switching over to full-digital, so even if you don't want to start a career with it, it's an extremely marketable skill to have on your resume.

Physical Education

Yoga is a great form of exercise you can practice anywhere  Photo Courtesy of OCM Instagram

Most schools require some physical education courses, so there's a ton to choose from that falls in this category. Not to worry, this won't be like P.E. that we all had to suffer through in high school. You won't have to take the pacer test or do a push-up test every 9 weeks. In college there is a much greater variety of classes to choose from, so you can find a class you actually enjoy. If you're looking to get a hardcore workout, you can sign up for a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), boxing, or spin class.

 If you're more into meditation, yoga is a great option that won't require you get as sweaty as some of the more intense classes.

Have you always wanted to try horseback riding? Well, now you can! A lot of campuses have a riding team, and for a small fee, you can learn to ride a horse too. Even if your high school didn't have an archery or rowing team, chances are your college does and you can count intro class towards your requirements. Choose something you've never done before, and chances are you might just find a new hobby.

Creative Writing

We all secretly dream of telling our story, or creating beloved characters and storylines, so why not get a head start from a professional? These classes challenge you to create stories that you might not have dreamed possible and may force you to step out of your comfort zone.

Using your imagination within your writing can be an incredibly freeing feeling, and you may find that you enjoy all different types of writing, including poetry. Sometimes professors give prompts, but a lot of the time you are given free rein to create any kind of story that you choose.

It's also a great class to learn how to give-- and take-- constructive criticism. In creative writing classes, you will be reading the works of your peers, and they will get to read yours, so be prepared for that as well. Creative writing is the elective to take if you love blogging, journaling, or storytelling.

Pottery or Painting

Staying with the creative electives, pottery or painting courses can be a great way to practice artistic expression and release any tension built up from the stress of more challenging courses.

Not only will you be able to create masterpieces with high-quality supplies provided by the school, but you'll be able to take your work home for display or use. Intro to pottery and painting classes don't require any prior knowledge of either of the mediums so there's no need to worry about your skill level. All that matters is you're open and ready to create something wonderful.


Screenwriting is another form of creative writing that focuses more on the creation of storylines meant for TV and Film. If you're someone who loves the character development and dialogue you see in your favorite TV shows, this might be an elective worth pursuing.

Most screenwriting classes taught at colleges around the country are run by professionals who know the entertainment industry inside and out. They're eager to meet students who love creating stories that they want to bring to life, and this is one of the best ways to do it.

Personal Finance

Money can't buy happiness, but it can pay off student loans

Students aren't taught the financial management skills that are crucial to having a healthy relationship with money, credit cards, and debt when they're young, so they have to search out the information on their own once they reach the real world.

Luckily, there are electives available to help students develop the personal finance skills necessary to handle their monetary responsibility in the future.

These types of classes will help students learn beneficial skills to take with them after they've graduated. We know what you're thinking. This may not be the most interesting elective, but it's incredibly useful for the future, especially if you have student loans to pay back.

Film Studies

For all my movie lovers out there, Film Studies is an elective that allows you to indulge in one of your hobbies while earning a grade for it.  You'll watch movies and take part in critical discussions with your fellow classmates regarding the production, themes, and overall storyline. Students will also learn how society influences the subject matter of films, as well as the impact certain movies have on their audience.

By viewing a film through an analytical lens, you may see things you never considered before or would have never grasped without the direction of a professor and class discussion.

As there are many genres of films, there are also various film studies classes to match, such as noir, sci-fi, foreign, or cult-- so find one that sounds interesting to you and sign up. You might find your new favorite movie or see some of your favorite films through a new angle!

Film Production

Catch behind a behind the scene glimpse of OCM's production studio on Tik Tok! Courtesy of OCM Tik Tok.

If you're more interested in the production side of film instead of the study of what certain films mean, then film production might be more up your alley. Film production electives offer a chance for students to get behind the camera, learn how films are made, and even make some of their own.

These types of classes usually teach all aspects of film production from cinematography, screenwriting, lighting, and editing--so you can feel like the real-life Steven Spielberg while getting college credits.

Art History

If you have any interest in art, this is a fantastic way to learn about how art has been created over the centuries and all over the world. Like music, art is a way that a culture expresses itself, from aboriginal rock art in Australia to the Italian Renaissance (and everything in between). Because art is a part of society, it also tells the story of that culture at a particular moment in history.

These courses also teach students how to analyze pieces of art and develop critical thinking skills as well as essential writing skills. Some art history classes are lucky enough to examine the campus' art museum if there is one or organize a field trip to a local museum to view and discuss art.


woman dancing

Express yourself through dance while getting an easy A.

If you're known for busting a move or maybe you wish you knew how to shine on the dancefloor, so many colleges offer a variety of dance electives available to any student. Not only will you learn dance routines though, many of the classes also dive into the history of dance and the connection to the community. It's a fun way to earn a couple of credits and learn some interesting information about one of our favorite activities.

IT Basics

You don't have to be a techie to get something out of an IT or computer science-based class. Classes involving computer programming and technology can make your resume more marketable when searching for a job. You can also check Arielle to help you write a CV.

It's also not a bad idea to try out a coding basics class to see if maybe that might be something that you would want to pursue. There are so many jobs out there that don't require a mastery of computer languages or design, but that do require a couple of basics. These types of skills combined with your major will make you stand out to employers in the future!


Anthropology, the study of cultures and societies, is a great, eye-opening class to take when you're a history buff in the making! But these courses are also recommended for people who may be on a more technical route. It's always a good idea to understand where you came from, and an anthropology class would be perfect if you have some room in your schedule.

These classes offer students an understanding of how civilizations are built, destroyed, and rediscovered. It also teaches them to relate these findings to the modern world, and how certain civilizations have influenced our current society.


Improve your selfie game with a photography class. You don't have to want to do this for a living (which is why it's a great elective!) but you will understand what makes a good photograph and Pulitzer Prize-worthy photograph. You'll learn about lighting, editing, and other tricks of the trade. No Instagram filter required.

Even though most photography is done digitally today, you can still learn a lot about older camera models, and how a photographer chooses their lighting, distance, and shutter speed in just the right way. There are a certain set of skills behind every great photo and with some of these tricks of the trade under your belt, you'll be on your way to better photos in no time.

Intro to Foreign Language


Learning a foreign language gives you the perfect excuse to take a trip one day.

We said easy, right? One semester of a foreign language doesn't have to be a challenge. Take it as a break class (such as J-Term) and pick up basics for travel like greetings, asking questions, or complimenting a new friend. With an ever-increasingly connected world, knowing more than one language (even if it's just a few polite basics) is becoming more and more necessary.

It can also make all the difference when you're job hunting after graduation and can list an in-demand language such as Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, or Russian on your resume. Employers look for people who are open to learning new things, and who can prove to be valuable team players to international clientele. So, give the intro course a try, who knows you might just find out you have a knack for it!

Sign Language

Another language course offered at many colleges that often gets overlooked is sign language. Sign language is a very helpful language to know the basics of, especially when entering the job market. In Sign Language 101 you will learn the basic signs and how to carry simple conversations with hearing-impaired individuals. Learning any language gives you a step up when applying for jobs and also helps you connect to people in their own language.

Electives are a fun way to try something new and different and get you out of your major coursework for a while. The electives on this list are some of the most fun, and many colleges offer them giving anyone the chance to expand their horizons and get out of their comfort zone. What are your favorite electives or which ones did you not take but wish you did? Let us know in the comments!


Source: https://blog.ocm.com/posts/electives-guaranteed-to-be-fun-and-wont-stress-you-out

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